American Girl Doll Pilgram Hats


We are continuing to enjoy Zoey's American Girl dolls here (in case you can't tell).  Today we decided to make these cute and super easy little Pilgrim hats out of craft foam that we found on the Doll Diaries site.  These dolls are ready for Thanksgiving that's for sure!  Creating fun things for Zoey's dolls make the holidays even more fun and I think a bit more special for her too.  It's a fun thing to do together!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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Char (Doll Diaries) said...

Those turned out so cute! I should highlight some of the crafts from last year and I do have a few new ones to add, too.

Karen M. Owen said...

Just found these I am so touched you made them from my craft on Doll Diaries I love this!