This is Us


I am not usually one for using pinks OR pastels in my layouts but I LOVE this page! Pretty sure it's due to the photos of my parents and I though and the cuteness that is Jen Hadfield's collections. I adore her collections so much! I'm glad that I was able to work those adorable bicycling bears on to this page. 

I really had fun with this page and actually found myself humming and smiling while working on it. I love that I found these pictures at my dad's house. Love, love, love, them! Priceless.

Do you scrapbook old photos of yourself and loved ones or do you strictly scrap current events and family now? I love going back and forth. I'm especially discovering now that after losing my dad, looking at and creating pages using photos of him is actually healing for me. I'm so blessed to have had the childhood that I did growing up. There are days when I'm almost crippled from the grief of losing him. I'll feel anger too that he was plagued with Parkinson's for so long leading up to his death. It just doesn't feel fair. Then I look at these photos and recall memory after memory of goodness with him and I know that he and I both were blessed beyond measure. There are people that live their whole lives and never experience the love and bond that I experienced with my father. That this was my experience, I am eternally grateful. He is truly the best human that I have ever known. Hands down. 

Funny story...Zoey teases me now after seeing these pictures. She says that I still make the face that I'm making in the middle photo. If she sees me making it she calls me out and says I'm making my "Hardees face"! I love it!

