Sharing a Layout...

Little Girl of Mine

I kept Zoey home from school today as she was complaining of a sore throat yesterday after school, last night and again this morning. I could tell that it was really bothering her yesterday because we were supposed to go and sing at a special holiday church service last night and she didn't want to go...and she had been so excited to go and to get to see her friends and to get to wear her special Christmas dress that she got from grandma. We all stayed home and took it easy instead and I'm hopeful that a day of rest and loving today will help her bounce back and get back on the healthy road again. Being sick is no fun, especially when there's so much fun stuff going on at school and around town this time of year. Now is the time that I really wish that we had family living nearby too...I am missing a day of work today to be home with her and I feel as though I really can't afford to. It would sure be nice to have a grandma around sometimes to help in the babysitting department! I guess that when it comes down to it, nothing is a bigger comfort than being with mama when you're sick though...and truthfully, I want to be there for her too. Juggling work with family is hard sometimes, I know that's not a new concept. There are times when I wish that I could work strictly from home...

The layout above was created using mostly items from my November kit from Cocoa Daisy. I love that photo of Zoey so much so I kind of built the page around her photo. The die-cut paper by Making Memories I actually adhered to my page using 3-dimensional adhesives so you could see the dimension and therefore really see that the paper was die-cut.

Little Girl of Mine

Hoping to get some little things caught up around here today while Zoey's resting. We're getting some flurries off and on here this morning which is making me happy...I just hope that it decides to stick around!
Pamela said...

Simply GORGEOUS! And I hope she feels better soon!

DebW said...

Beautiful as always! That photo is a very different perspective of Zoey! She looks...hate to say grown up in that photo!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope her throat feels better soon. No fun being sick. I absolutely love that layout and your treatment of the MM paper. Gorgeous.

Terri Davenport said...

Hope Zoey feels better soon! What a wonderful layout!

Jen Martakis said...

Poor sweetie, I sure hope she feels better soon.

I love your layout. The photo is gorgeous and love the dimension!

Casey Wright said...

Love this layout! Beautiful! Hope she gets to feeling better!

Unknown said...

love the layout!!!!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous layout!

D's Paper Studio said...

Incrediable. TFS

Get the Picture by Kathy said...

very cute - I love that die cut paper and how you popped it up!

She is a cutie too!

Linda Rodriguez said...

Oh no...I hope Zoey is feeling better soon! And goodness, that is just a precious layout - love it!

And I hear you on the working outside the home and feeling guilty staying home with a sick kid and knowing that being there with them is where you're SUPPOSED to be...sigh...been there, done that and will continue to struggle with those feelings, I'm sure.

Nathalie Kalbach said...

so very beautiful!